Volume 33
Number 4 (2024)Effectiveness of Table Salt (NaCl) in the Treatment of Umbilical Granuloma at Household Level
DOI: https://doi.org/10.XXXXX/mmj.2024.v3304.12
Mahmud AA1 , Uddin MB2 , Khan NZ3 , Islam S4 , Bari MS5 , Ali MS6 , Nag UK7 , Islam MA8 , Hasan A9 , Khan MA10
Umbilical granuloma may be defined as a small mass of granulation tissue which develops at the base of the umbilicus after separation of the cord. It consists of true granulation tissue with fibroblast and abundant capillaries. Treatment options are chemical cauterization, electro cauterization and sometimes need surgical excision. Aims of this study were to develop a simple and feasible method for the treatment of umbilical granuloma with table salt (NaCl). This was a multi-center prospective type of observational study and conducted from January 2023 to March 2024 in the department of Pediatrics Surgery, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh and other Private Hospitals of Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Total 66 patients were included among them 59(89.09%) cured and 7(10.6%) patients need other options. No complications and recurrence was seen in 3 months follow up. Treatment of umbilical granuloma with table salt (NaCl) is a simple, effective, low cost and feasible method.
Keywords: Umbilical Granuloma, Table salt, Household
- Asstt Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery
- Associate Professor, Department of Urology
- Associate Professor and Head, Department of Urology
- Assistant Professor of Pediatric Surgery
- Assistant Professor of Pediatric Surgery
- Assistant Professor of Pediatric Surgery
- Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery
- Assistant Professor, Department of Urology
- MS (Phase-B) Resident, Pediatric Surgery
- Resident Surgeon, Pediatric Surgery