Evaluation of Results of Primary Repair of Open Tendo-Achilles Injury in the Department of Casualty, MMCH, Bangladesh

DOI: https://doi.org/10.XXXXX/mmj.2024.v3304.14

Rahman KH1 , Islam MS2 , Burman DC3 , Hoque MA4 , Shakil MIH5 , Ullah A6 , Ali MA7 , Roy MK8 , Alam MT9


Achilles tendon injury has been increasing over recent years due to a variety of causes. The injury of the Achilles tendon is a disabling condition, which is difficult to treat if there is a gap or defect between the two ends of the disrupted tendon. Patients with a rupture of the Achilles tendon should be operated without delay. Most of the people in our country use flat pan in the latrine, which are at a same level of the toilet floor. Surface of the toilet pan breaks down and cause sharp cut. Some of the cases of open tendon injuries occur due to road traffic accident, cut by broken glass and also assault. It is generally accepted that surgical repair of fresh ruptures of the Achilles tendon gives excellent results. Objective of the study was to find out the evaluation of the results of primary repair of Open tendo-achilles injury (OTAI). This prospective study was done in the department of Casualty of Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh in the period of July 2021 to June 2022. Patients who came with OTAI in casualty department were selected randomly. All cases were selected as OTAI, without associated injury of other leg muscles, posterior tibial artery and nerve within 12 hours. All patients underwent primary end to end repair by Modified Kessler’s method. Evaluation of the results of primary repair of OTAI were carried out and  were find out  the common  causes of injury, age and sex incidence, level of injury and to proposed a protocol for treating such cases in comfortable, cheap and convenient way for the patients. Operations were done at Casualty operation theatre (COT). Then 48 patients were followed up at the Department of Casualty. Among them 43(89.58%) of patients were able to stand on tip toes, 4(08.33%) of patients were not stand on tip toes of affected foot unsupported but able to stand on tip toes supported, 1(02.08%) of patients failed to stand on affected foot unsupported due to severe infection and wound gap. Final result were Excellent - 29(60.0%), Good - 14(30.0%), Fair - 4(8.0%), Poor - 1(2.0%). Repair of OTAI is not difficult but early diagnosis, proper surgical toileting, meticulous repair; adequate post-operative management is the key of success. So, the result of this study, treatment protocol can be followed, which is easy for surgeon and convenient and cheap for the patients.

Keywords: Tendo Achilles, Primary repair, Open tendo-achilles injury

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery

    Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh

  2. Professor & Head of Orthopedic Surgery

    Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh

  3. Resident Surgeon (RS), Department of Casualty

    Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh

  4. IMO, Department of Orthopedic Surgery

    Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh

  5. Junior Consultant, Department of Orthopedic Surgery

    Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh

  6. Department of Orthopedic Surgery

    Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh

  7. Junior Consultant, Department of Orthopedic Surgery

    Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh

  8. Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery

    Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh

  9. Assistant Professor, Paediatric Orthopedics

    Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh

Volume 33, Number 4 (2024)
Page: 1047-1053