Volume 33
Number 4 (2024)Correlation of Calf Circumference with Body Weight of 5-10 Years Aged Bangladeshi Children
DOI: https://doi.org/10.XXXXX/mmj.2024.v3304.16
Ismatsara M1 , Epsi EZ2 , Tanzeem S3 , Haque SMA4
The cross-sectional, analytic and descriptive type study was conducted among 5-10 years aged Bangladeshi children at different areas of Mymensingh district (Muktagacha, Fulbaria, Trishal, Haluaghat and Fulpur thana) on 109 Bangladeshi children (39 female and 70 male). The study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy, Mymensingh Medical College, Bangladesh. Nonrandom purposive sampling technique was taken for sample collection. Any kind of leg and foot deformity resulting either from congenital anomaly or physical injury was excluded to construct standard data. The present anthropometric study was designed to construct data of 5-10 years aged Bangladeshi children regarding calf circumference, to measure correlation calf circumference (right) with body weight and comparison of calf circumference (right) between male and female children. The study has been made out to grow interest among the researchers for future study and also to compare the data with the data of the people of other races of different country. Body weight was recorded by weighing machine and calf circumference was measured by measuring tape. Calf circumference (right) showed non-significant positive correlation with weight in 5 years old male, 6 and 7 years old male and female, 8 years old male, 9 years old female and 10 years old male and female children. In case of 5 years old female and 9 years old male children, it showed significant positive correlation with weight but in case of 8 years old female, it showed non-significant negative correlation with weight. Comparison of calf circumference (right) between male and female children was done by Unpaired Students’ ‘t’ test which was statistically non-significant.
Keywords: Anthropometry, Weight, Calf circumference
- Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy
- Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy
- Lecturer, Department of Anatomy
- Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy