Reduction Mammaplasty: Experience in Context of Bangladesh


Majumder KR1 , Siddique MI2 , Maitra D3 , Rassell M4 , Pervin M5


There are many women in Bangladesh who suffer from chronic shoulder pain, back and neck pain, nerve pain, and other difficulties due to large breasts but most of them are not keen to get rid of their problems. Most women in this country are afraid from surgery and they are not even aware about their body shape and images. Recently, very few of them are coming to the door of surgeons with enlarged breast difficulties. A study was conducted on reduction mammaplasty regarding experience in the context of our country. Few of the patients were motivated among many who have problems of the huge breast and perform reduction mammaplasty. The paper addresses the experience of reduction mammaplasty. The study among 8 patients was performed in, Anower Khan Modern Medical College and Hospital and Care Medical College and Hospital during the period of July 2018 to January 2021. The patients underwent reduction mammaplasty over a 2.5 years period were identified and reviewed for patients satisfaction rate, religious issues, shyness, Family restrictions, socio economic condition, lack of awareness, risk factor, symptom relief, limitation and complication rate. Rate of complications was from 6.5% to 22% for reduction mammaplasty, whereas reported patient satisfaction rates range from 85.0% to 95.0%. In the study, reported rates of symptom improvement range from 80.8% to 94.6%, religious issues about 90.0% to 95.0%, Shyness 80.0% to 87.5%, family restrictions 80% to 87.5%, socio economic condition (High Class n=5, Upper Middle Class n=3), risk factor 70.0% to 80.0%, but in regard to psychological well-being there are tremendous outcomes. Reduction mammaplasty has had excellent patient satisfaction levels. However, a very few complications may occur even in the most suitable candidate. Skilled and experienced surgeons, enriched healthcare infrastructures, meticulous pre-operative planning, gentle tissue handling and anticipatory post-operative care will reduce the incidence of adverse results.

Keywords: Reduction mammaplasty, Breast reduction, Breast surgery

  1. Associate Professor, Surgical Oncology, Department of Surgery

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)

  2. Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)

  3. Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery

    Medical College Kolkata, India

  4. Assistant Professor, Surgical Oncology, Department of Surgery

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)

  5. Medical Officer

    Upazilla Health Complex, Manda, Naogaon

Volume 33, Number 4 (2024)
Page: 1081-1087