Volume 33
Number 4 (2024)Pattern of ENT Diseases in Children: A Peripheral Military Hospital Based Study
DOI: https://doi.org/10.XXXXX/mmj.2024.v3304.26
Sumon MAK1 , Ahmed SU2 , Afsana SD3 , Hasan MS4 , Islam MS5 , Rahman MM6
This study was aimed to find out the hospital based prevalence of paediatric ENT disorders in an ENT OPD of a peripheral military hospital of Bangladesh Armed Forces. This observational study was carried out at ENT out patient department of CMH Momenshahi, from 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2020. Irrespective of age and sex a total of 4612 children, between the ages of 0-14 years were included in this study. All types of ENT disorders were taken in to account. Data were obtained after ENT examination and necessary investigations. Total 4612 cases were studied. Male children (52.2%) were affected more and most of the children belongs the 6-10 years age group (44.4%).Throat related disorder (40.7%) were predominant followed by ear (34.8%). The most common ENT disorders were Chronic Tonsillitis (21.8%) followed by acute otitis media (16.1%) and pharyngitis (9.8%). Rate of Chronic otitis media (COM) was only 46(1%). ENT diseases are one of the major health problems among children. In addition to improved health education, socioeconomic status and better access to health care facilities; provision of early ENT specialist consultation may significantly reduce chronic or recurring symptoms and long term morbidities of common ENT disorders in children.
Keywords: ENT disease, Children, Combined military hospital
- Classified ENT Specialist
- Classified ENT Specialist
- Commanding Officer
- Classified Medicine Specialist
- Classified ENT Specialist
- Classified Specialist in Dermatology & Venereology