Volume 33
Number 4 (2024)Proportion of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
DOI: https://doi.org/10.XXXXX/mmj.2024.v3304.27
Hamid MA1 , Datta PK2 , Paul S3 , Rahman MM4 , Rahaman MA5 , Sonali TA6 , Shil TC7 , Islam Q8 , Hakim MM9
Among the different complications of chronic kidney diseases, peripheral arterial disease is not uncommon. Though it is an indicator of widespread atherosclerosis, sometimes it is neglected in CKD patients. Our study was done to evaluate the frequency and pattern of PAD in chronic kidney disease patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital of Bangladesh. One hundred (100) admitted patients of CKD were taken by nonrandom purposive sampling considering inclusion and exclusion criteria. After clinical evaluation and Ankle brachial index (ABI) measurement 5 cc venous blood was collected and sent to Clinical Pathology and Biochemistry department of CMCH. Data was collected in a structured proforma and analyzed. Among the 100 patients, 2.0% patient belonged to stage 3, 28.0% were in stage 4 and remaining 70.0% were in stage 5. We found the proportion of PAD in CKD were 18.0%. Among 18 PAD patients, 66.67% were in stage 5, 22.22% in stage 4 and 11.11% in stage 3. Regarding right lower limb 12 patients had some PAD, 3 patients had moderate PAD, 2 patients had borderline and 1 patient had calcified PAD. For left lower limb, 10 patients had some PAD, 4 patients had moderate PAD, 4 patients had borderline PAD. The mean AB) of the PAD patients for right limb was 0.87 and for left limb 0.84. 50.0-55.0% patients were asymptomatic. Among the PAD patients 38.9% had DM, 72.2% had HTN, 33.3% had both DM and HTN, 44.4% had other vascular events, 55.6% were smokers, 33.3% had dyslipidemia and 22.2% had family history of PAD. Renal diseases seem to have a strong association with vascular disease and PAD is not uncommon.
Keywords: Chronic kidney disease, Peripheral arterial disease
- Consultant
- Department of Nephrology
- Department of Medicine
- Medical Officer, OSD (DGHS)
- Junior Consultant of Cardiology
- Consultant
- Department of Nephrology
- Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine